Nature Took My Class In A Park...

Well, the excessive getting-after-my-life funda of my family finally made me get up and go out for a walk in the park... Who knew, the after-exam mind and heart were up for some lessons:)

Its walking that extra distance when you are just about to give up. The resources are depleted, the energy is low...wouldn't it just be so good to sit down and relax? But somehow, getting that little bit of extra energy from somewhere, and doing it, that's success :)

Never ever work. In the long run that is. Might give a temporary illusion, but then if someone's ready to illusion himself, is there a bigger fool? :)

Can't do without them. Because we all have at one time or other come across that boosting thingy, and know its value. Someone's faith in us when our own is famished and that extra ounce of motivation can do wonders, often in the most distressed times :)

Trees. Simply awesome! They continue to look upwards, with their roots firmly in the ground. Perfect example of the 'Humbly High' cliche :)

I looked at the kids. Been there, done that. Nothing, absolutely nothing in life can match that carefree phase. Its so awesome, we just want it to never end, often clinging to it even when it has passes...But then, they cannot do anything to change their lives...
I looked at the elderly lot, with not much to do, they spend a lot of time talking and discussing (and often 'jharring' their philosophies)with their counterparts. They have already seen a major part of what they had to see, learnt their lessons, done what they wanted to. That is yet to come.
I only have my present, which i can alter :)

God Bless:)


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