For All I Know, Something's Definitely Wrong!

Yes, with 'us'...the kids...wait, are we entitled to be called that anymore? Is anyONE, for that matter?
Okay, I've entered that stage when my signature suffices the validation of any document related to me, but what about the 15 year olds? Are they just not preparing to be the present 18 year old-car owning-many breakups handled-grades don't matter but money does hipsters?
What about the 7 year olds? The last time I went to monitor the L.K.G kids during a fest, they were teasing us, the then 11th grade girls by shooting 'I Love You's on us. And take my word for it, it was NOT funny...all it was can be termed, well, pathetic I suppose.
In the case you haven't figured out what it is that I'm looking for, well, it is that much coveted innocence.
Remember, there once used to exist a thing like that in this world?
Sigh, I do miss it.

Before rambling further though, I would like to recount a few eye witnessed scenarios:
(The protagonists will be referred in collective first person only, for whatever virus has infected our generation has done a pretty good job and attacked almost everyone)

*While travelling in buses, since that is kind of pretty much unavoidable in student life, when some poor people or workers sit around us, we make it a point to take out our Adidas deodorants, spray it not only all around us,  on us, even stealthily on those people, but also on our sleeves at regular intervals, so that we can inhale that to stay alive. Who cares, if two little daughters of that modest lady are staring continuously with wonder in their eyes, so as to why the elder didis are behaving like this. Their mother knows, she chooses to ignore. Owing to her till date existence and survival on this earth, she knows the best bet is to ignore such people, having more money and education and everything, which well, includes a lot of people.

*When we have to select a leader, use that word if you may, what matters is not the opinion of the majority, but the power of the minority. And well, always, everywhere, there are such people, who will have power, or such character, that they can harm you if you don't go along them. Which one of the facts is more disturbing, I wonder, whether they learnt such methods from the existing in power bodies, or they are the ones who will be forming the power bodies in the coming future. Democracy, the last time I checked, meant asking, 'Whom do you want' and not 'Come forward and face us (and that's NOT said in a friendly manner) if you have any problem with our candidate!'
For all I know, even if that candidate does excellent work once in power, the problem was since always with the methods, not him!

*What's up with the country anyway???
Don't tell me to get into IAS and do something for the country, I've seen their fate. Its depressing, to say the very least. Imagine, studying a lot, a LOT, a lot more than the doctors, engineers, anybody in the country, and finally getting in. After the picture in the newspaper and the wishes from people (who are only doing it to conveniently get their tasks catered to in the future), what do you have? What do you do? All the wrong things. And if you don't agree, you just get transferred to some isolated far off location. So 98 people out of 100 will just do it, the wrong thing, that is. Man, it isn't really worth it, seeing the big picture!

What do we lack? Is it emotions? Or feelings? A heart? Is it one of these that enables an official to use to money meant for our soldiers standing in negative temperatures for his petty requirements? What actually enables us to do so much wrong, hurt somebody so easily? Its not that we cannot be moved by emotions. We can. But then we realize that the person who moved us into taking a step was actually just bluffing, to just increase his 8 digit bank balance. Why should we be moved the next time when someone actually means it?
And I myself don't know if this was a retort or a sarcastic comment!

A girl in the hostel was doing something wrong and when I pointed it out, she self defiantly claimed, 'its a rat race'.
I wanted to reply something I'd once read, 'And even if you win that rat race, you'll just be a rat'!


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