What Do Men GET By Showering Affections???
Okay, i do stand up for women rights and equality, but don't hold that against me as you read this article!
Also, i should make it clear that i'm not talking about guys having serious feelings. I've learnt that we should respect and care for a person's feelings, even though we might not be capable of reciprocating them...
So, for the rest of them, WHATS UP DUDES?!?!?!
(have this nagging feeling that gave them more respect than they deserve, but anyhow)
WHAT do men get by:
*Screaming proposals at the top of their lungs to girls they've seen for a nanosecond
(so many of us got our first 'proposals' that way, like we were walking down a road, and a guy screamed 'i love you' and well, went. Lmao!)
okay, i faiiiiiiiiiiiiiil to understand, they don't have any superpowers that'll enable them to achieve something tangible by merely staring, yet they can do that for hours, thankfully we usually slip out of their field of view pretty sooner than that!
*Nodding in approval
Yes, another of their inexplicable gestures. If you look at them in the eye, they'll nod in approval. AS IF it matters the least teeny weeny tiny bit to us!!!
(which sadly, has nothing at all to do with the emotional feelings*sigh*)
This is the worst of all. What dirty pleasure do they derive by touching a passing female here and there??? I mean, maybe it gives them a sense of thrill, having achieved dunno what, but seriously, i cannot presently find words dirty enough to describe such men.
Worst of all, when i was young, i used think, 'they'll come to know how bad we feel if we do something like this to them'. Now that i've grown, i realize they'd feel nothing short of exhilaration. *sigh sigh sigh*
Question remains, what on earth do men achieve by showering affections noone's interested in receiving!
Maybe, they draw attention to themselves. A woman's advice,
Dear men, the women who give you attention when you ask for it this way; you wouldn't want to be with them anyway (HOPEFULLY!)
Or perhaps, some men actually do believe you can win a woman's heart by stalking her.
You know, for all those sentimental songs you write and sing and adore, criticizing women for not returning your affections, have you given a thought to the possibility that maybe she just cannot love you in return, completely, thats why she isn't giving 'bhaavs' to you?
Because, you know what, you haven't achieved anything if you haven't got everything that a woman is capable of giving, and its not only her body, its her respect, her love, her soul:)
P.s Of course, all men are not bad. Some really do have SUBSTANCE:)
P.p.s Don't start citing examples of bad women whenever you are pointed for your weird behaviors. You say all men are not bad. Fine. Accepted.
Please, do accept, all women are not good.
May God Bless Us All:-)
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