Hey There!

It's been so long that I wrote anything, you have to give me a buffer-acceptance-bandwidth sorts. So long that I'm suspecting my diary has forgotten me. And maybe, so have you. But one thing I've realized lately (credit to the good souls out there), is that as much as you need people, or more so, derive from them, so much so they derive from you.  And that is why expressing your lows is more important, keeping aside the multitude of ways it comes across as in your mind. (Why should I spread sadness?, Why should I even bother anyone?) But well, as I have been taught lately, that is how you end up making friends for life. "Your people" necessarily HAVE to see you through all your modes.

Anyway, lately I'm spending a lot of time un-learning the things I've learnt till now. I'm trying to assure myself that even this would be making me learn something. Not to mention that this realization would undoubtedly come at a later stage when I look back. Damn this weird clause of life. You never really realize the role of anything until a long long time in the future.
And oh, do you rem
ember that feeling in grade nine that grade eight was much easier and happy? The feeling in grade ten that you are missing grade nine?! Darling, this feeling goes on for most of our lives.

Is it only me who thinks that of all things you plan out, and all the alternative paths you chalk out, life makes you walk an entirely different one altogether? Also, there are cities you detested without any limit, and eventually fell in love with after getting through days together. And there are cities you fantasized living in since always, and they turn out to be way different from all your ideas of them. Never be hasty in drawing conclusions, in either case. (My mind wants to draw analogies to relationships.)

I am somehow incapable of living my life devoid of 'the next' thing. And trust me on this, after a while this really tires you out. Especially when you don't really achieve anything, a such. Also, when you get stuck on one thing, you are never really able to do justice to what you have in your hands.Like just wanting one particular thing to happen and then losing grip over the other aspects. It has dawned upon me that the consequences can be very very scary. Whoopsidaisies.

Advisory Note: Thank the universe over and over again for all your loved ones. Your family and your friends who care for you. There would be days when the whole universe would seem to slow down, there would be an air of serenity, you you be alone and look towards the skies and realize; all that really mattered was all your people and all the love.*

It's that time of the year when the winters are just setting in, and the universe has started having that air of laziness. Make the most of:-

1. Lights
2. Pretty soft blankets
3. All those beautiful mugs
4. Kahwa, Green, Black, Classic Milk...is there any end to the goodness of tea?
5. Paperbacks with pretty bookmarks

P.S. I miss reading. And writing. And feel exhausted about a lot of things.

P.P.S. I don't really express it enough, but I do miss all you friends.

*It's really not possible to not have differences. You cannot skip them even with the closest of your fellas. Accept this. A world with hugs is any day better than a world without one.


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