The White Collared Labourers

We sit in clusters
Hanging to each other
But farther than in that movie, I Robot
Everything in our life is an item on a check-list
Waiting to be ticked ‘asap’
Family, food, nature’s call, work-out, life
We make symbiotic relationships
Smiling at the face of it
Bitching at the back of it, every single it at that
How does it even feel to be true?
Do we even remember?
Learn to shed away all our emotions and be pragmatic
Then attend seminars to enhance the emotional quotient
After all, it was proven in a study
Emotional bonding improves the success of a team
Throw your heart in a bin and get an artificial one
Would it be that good, you tell?
Oh, I forgot, the politically correct answer would have to be found out first
Processes followed and approvals requested
Till then we go on
Breathing our lives away

We, the white collared labourers


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